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Chairman's chat
November 2017
Roger reflects on the ups and downs over the last two months, with contrasting fortunes for our early season offerings. Nearly all our Saturday JOG sessions and first few club nights have been popular but not so our club nights of late and our senior events.

Next Club Night
QR codes & discussions
If you missed the QR Code session last week, Tess Stone is giving you another chance to try it as part of her training session this week (Thursday 23rd) ! We are combining an hour’s training/coaching with some discussions in the Park Room afterwards.

Smarter courses?
After dark score at Club Night
A glimpse into an orienteering future? On Thursday evening, 20 of us used smart phones and QR codes to register our visits to the control sites, instead of the usual dibbing with SportsIdent chips

Haytor Galoppen
SW League (2 of 9)
Sixteen members enjoyed the wild, windy and wide open spaces of Haytor on Sunday and some stunning vistas in Devon OC's annual Galoppen.

Netherclay JOG
There was an amazing turn out for planner Andrew Page's event at Netherclay Woods. It was a very unpromising weather forecast and we wondered if people would come, we needn't have worried!

Correcting maps
At club night
Several of us attended a seminar led by Jim Mallinson featuring OCAD, the cartography software widely used throughout the orienteering world. The session was aimed at any current or future course planner, regardless of experience.

Next Club Night
Using smart phones
A glimpse into an orienteering future? This Thursday evening (16 November) we're having an After Dark Score event in Longrun Meadow using QR codes* instead of SI dibbing!

November Classic weekend
Bill wins major event
Bill Vigar added to his trophy haul, becoming Southern Champion after a clear win in his M80 class. Results: Southern Champions, Age class, Course, Routegadget

Lydeard Hill JOG
Fine views at the top
There were fabulous views from the top of the Quantocks on Saturday. Matt Carter is pictured out in front, with new member Linda Mudd giving chase.
Need help progressing or like to support another? Join our buddy scheme

Fyne Court JOG
Fun in the sun
After last week's event cancellation, our programme got back on track at a bright and sunlit Fyne Court. A superb setting and always a great day out, no one was in a rush to get away and the children enjoyed playing together after their runs.

Board Game
Forest Challenge!
Now the weather's turning, fancy winning a race without having to leave your armchair? Or planning a course without having to make a field visit? Then read on to learn more about an 'O' board game, re-released for Christmas.
Weekend review
28/29 October
Storm Brian left its mark again, this weekend moving further down the coast to Cornwall. Holywell Bay was put on a Yellow (and green) alert, with Brian Fletcher reaching dangerously high speeds and blowing away the competition. Further east, Andrew Page achieved second place at the Cambridge city race.

Club's 50th
Anniversary event
We are looking to mark the club's half centenary in 2018 with a special event. What do you think we should do? There's a few ideas below. Please pass on your thoughts at a forthcoming club night or event, or phone or email our chairman (see contacts page)

Planning & Routegadget
at Club Night
Steve Robertson gave us a richly illustrated and well-observed run-through of techniques used at big events to make courses as challenging and entertaining as possible. And next up at Club Night: Brian Pearson shows us how to get the most out of Routegadget

Thurlbear JOG
A higher than expected crowd descended on this ancient wood, with new folks from last week's Come and Try It returning for more action and QO member Matt Carter bringing a mini bus load of school children to try out our sport