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Brighton City Race
QO again had representation at this annual race on the far south coast, which coincides with a spectacular festive display known as the 'Burning of the clocks'. But were there any scorching times recorded?
Martin Lewis reports.

Autumn 2019
This was one of the toughest JOG programmes imaginable, held mostly on woods and open hillside, with no visits to school campuses.
We introduced a coaching element into this series and welcomed contributions to assessing juniors' skill levels as they worked towards badges.

Exmoor Challenge
Walk & training weekends
Tom Hasler is looking to organise some club teams comprising of older school children for a long walk on Exmoor in late Spring, with some training weekends on offer in the build up.

Kingswood & Soudley
Wye O Wye? Another Dean double
Obviously feeling surprisingly fresh after last weekend's triplet of events, several QO went back to the Wye Valley / Forest of Dean area for some more. Steve R reports from Kingswood and Jeff from Soudley.

JOG planners course
Steve Robertson provided a two-evening course for 10 new planners for JOG activities using the excellent facilities at Taunton School.
Steve (assisted by Roger and Judy Craddock) outlined the guidelines for the Hare, Squirrel, Badger courses and discussed various training options for the Fox challenges for QO members.

Southern Champs Weekend
Forest of Dean
Pete Shirvington had the run of his life on the Middle event, finishing a very close 2nd to Pete Ward, who was M45 Southern Champ in 2016.
Competitor reports further below.

Ash Priors JOG
With all this booze being consumed we'll get mistaken for our distant cousins, hashers...
Finishers at Ash Priors were treated to some mulled wine (and it's not even December), while the planner apparently spilled a glass of red over the map! Judy Craddock reports...
Photos (Dropbox) & Video footage (below).

What's this?
New arrival at JOG
The Toomers and Macphersons presented QO with a new mascot, made by Sue.
Elven in appearance, he could almost have emerged from the woods. He's already invested in some QO merchandise too- check out the detail on Sue's stitchwork.

Staple Hill JOG
Rain has been falling on a Super Saturated Staplehill for about a week and as you will see from the photos the whole area was shrouded in mist BUT many JOGgers turned up to have a run, well done all of you, it made it worth-while!

Ringwood Forest
SW League
What a day - half of the QO runners who ran at Wimborne OC's event placed! But who fell over four times? And was the going really that rough? I'll give you a clue - she was out there two hours plus but still loved it...

Training courses
A neighbouring club is offering a planning course soon.
Bristol OK's offering is on Saturday 4 January.
Please contact them for further details.

Thurlbear JOG
As you can see from the photos, there was plenty of water and mud but Karen had put a lot of thought into the planning and everyone came back satisfied that they had been challenged....especially those on the Fox.

November Classic weekend
Oliver Lewis and Pete Shirvington had fine runs at Sunday's classic in the New Forest. With some running in the urban and night events on the preceding days, QO had a good representation in Hampshire and Sussex.
Results - Bramshaw (Classic), Chichester (urban)

Neroche JOG
Strong gusts of wind and rain swept across the SW throughout the night before and the morning of the Castle Neroche JOG.
A glance at the photos will tell you that we got drenched but still had a great time.

Coming up
November Classic & more
Not featuring on our event page listing is the annual November Classic weekend, on 2/3 November. The Classic itself is always in the New Forest on the Sunday. More than 10 QO are already going. Start list (Fabian)
More about the November Classic
Also: other regional and major events soon