Smarter courses?
After dark score at Club Night
A glimpse into an orienteering future? On Thursday evening, 20 of us used smart phones and QR codes to register our visits to the control sites, instead of the usual dibbing with SportsIdent chips
Twenty people turned up to the Club Night to have a go at a Score Course around Longrun Meadow using QR codes and smart phones instead of SI units and dibbers!
We had an enjoyable event with large learning curves, especially using the system after dark! Scanning the codes could take quite a time but "techi-bods" like Adam devised a method of using his phone light (instead of his headlight) and managing to swipe the code more quickly. We are hoping to use the QR codes on the permanent course in Longrun.
The app in action
Credit: iOrienteering
People can download the app iOrienteering, scan the course and when they have completed it, they upload their results and compare their scores with others doing the same. If this proves popular, we will consider using it on our other permanent courses.
- Roger Craddock
The QR (Quick Response) codes are now attached to the Permanent Orienteering Control posts on Long Run Meadow, so if you want to try the linear course round the Meadow, obtain the course description list from us and have a go during the daytime.
For more information, click on the links in green above and below
- At next week's club night: we'll be reviewing this Saturday's Forest League event (QOFL) and previewing the After Dark series (QOADS)
- Club Night programme
- Sign up for our forthcoming First Aid course of Thurs 7 Dec