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All change at the top


Published: Thu 5 Sep 2019

After the Club Championships at Ham Hill on 31 August about 50 people dropped down to the Lord Nelson Inn at Norton-sub-Hamdon, with half staying on for the AGM.

Newly elected club president Roger Craddock reports on AGM - and a change at the top.

AGM minutes & reports

After a buffet, the outgoing President Mike Crockett presented the Trophies and Certificates to the leading runners from the 2018/19 QOFL season.

Jim Mallinson was then announced the winner of the Club Championship.

The Annual General Meeting ran from 4 - 5 pm with various reports and accounts, election of officers and the presentation of the Chairman’s Award for Service to the Club to Bob Lloyd, our retiring Permissions Officer.

The composition of the QO Committee for 2019/20 is:

President: Roger Craddock replaces Mike Crockett

Chair: Alasdair Shaw replaces Roger Craddock

Secretary: Karen Lewis replaces Rosie Wych

Memberships: Judy Craddock replaces Karen Lewis

Permissions: Andrew Hopkins replaces Bob Lloyd

Welfare Officer: New post created for Jana Truby

Other committee members re-elected were:

Treasurer: Steve Robertson

Website: Jeff Pakes

Club Captain: Chris Hasler

And finally, a non-committee member with a key role:

Fixtures: Richard Sansbury partly replaces Judy Craddock

A particular welcome to Alasdair Shaw our new Chair. Alastair teaches Physics and Outdoor Activities at Wellington School and has orienteered socially for many years. It is hoped his organisational skills and fresh approach to the Club will benefit the Committee.

- Roger Craddock

Chairman's Presentation- visuals