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Castle Neroche


Sat 16 Nov

Near: Taunton
Level of event: Local

Type of event: Training, Juniors

The grand finale to this term's JOG league, with a good turnout. And the rain just about held off. Updated with organiser comments!



Comments from Sue, the organiser:

We had another excellent turnout for the JOG event at Castle Neroche, and what better way to spend a cold, drizzly November afternoon than running around the woods and, in some cases, squelching through bogs!? The courses proved challenging but enjoyable and, as usual, participants finished with a smile and the atmosphere was warm and sociable. It’s a joy to see all ages taking part, including, in some cases, three generations of the same family. Orienteering really is the perfect family sport.

Huge thanks to Mark and Finley. Not only did they spend hours planning and checking courses before the day, but they were busy from nine in the morning until the light started turning dimpsey at 4:30 on Saturday. Thanks to Ray for acting as controller, to Anabella, Sidney and Dylan for helping on the registration and download desk and to Richard for helping Mark and Finley with the control collection.

This was the final JOG event of 2024. The new term will start on 18th January when we plan to be at Longrun Meadow in Taunton, but we hope to see many of you before then!
Show Pre-Event Info

JOG Autumn 2024 / Spring 2025 Series Info

Our Junior Orienteering Group (JOG) runs during term times holding low-key weekly events aimed at juniors, families, and all those looking to improve or train. Newcomers are always welcome.

Non-members are very welcome. If you like it and want to join, read about joining QO here.

Directions / Parking

Parking is in the public car park. Please note a height restriction of 2.00M at the entrance to the car park.

Google Map

w3w head.lawns.duplicate

Course Information

Course details are:

Hare - 0.9Km + 55m climb|
Squirrel - 1.8Km + 85m climb
Badger - 2.1Km + 145m climb
Fox - 3.5Km + 235m climb

We cater from beginners through to a good club standard. We call the courses Hare, Squirrel, Badger, and Fox and these offer a clear progression in the difficulty level. The Fox course usually incorporates adult training exercises.

JOG courses explained
There is a small possibility of ticks being present in the area so full body cover is recommended.

Entry Details

  • Entry - £3 per person pre-entered or £4 per person on the day
  • Dibber hire - Free (but if lost you would be liable for the replacement cost of £30)

Please consider buying a pack of pre-entry credits in advance. This costs you the same but saves the club a lot in credit card fees.


Buy credits

Please note that pre-entries close at midnight Tuesday 12th November as we need to know entry numbers for map printing purposes. Entry on the day will be available but there will be limited map numbers so pre-entry is strongly advised to avoid disappointment.

Registration & Start Times

Please Note Start Times from 1:00pm with no starts after 2:00pm. Courses close 3:00pm (the nights are drawing in!). Fox competitors should aim for an early start time as the course is challenging.

Contacts / Officials

Planner: Mark Goddard

Organisers: Sue and Ray Toomer 07917015684

Controller: Ray Toomer

Important Event Information

Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. All participants must report to download whether they finish their course or not.

Privacy: when participating in our events/activities your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.

Photography: QO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.

Safeguarding: QO is aware of it's responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection. To comply with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations 2018, we now provide an email address for individuals to report concerns to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This address is

Photo Gallery

Castle Neroche In the Forest

Castle Neroche In the Forest

Earthbank at Neroche

Earthbank at Neroche
Credit: The Pages

Castle Neroche ramparts

Castle Neroche ramparts
Credit: Simon Beck

Training 17 3 Neroche Path

Training 17 3 Neroche Path