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Next at Club Night

Controlling events

Checking a kite

Checking a kite

Published: Mon 27 Nov 2017

Rosie's focus last week at the COACH building was how we make courses Fun, Fair & Safe. This Thursday, Steve Robertson continues the theme of appraising & improving courses, relating his experience of controlling a wide range of events. Physical training continues as usual.

At 6.30pm, from the Link room, Tess and Vikki will be looking and discussing control descriptions and doing a one mile loop. Please arrive on time if you can. All are welcome to join in.

After this- at 7.30pm (in the Park Room) - Steve Robertson (a Grade 2 Controller) will be giving some personal reflections on being a controller, he has had a lot of experience and it should be an interesting and informative evening. Do come!

Tess and Vikki will continue training with anyone who doesn’t wish to go to Steve’s session.

Rosie talked about controlling last week; Steve follows on this week

Rosie talked about controlling last week; Steve follows on this week

Refreshments will be available afterwards for both groups.

- Judy Craddock

What's controlling?

It's basically making courses Fair, Fun and Safe

Read our "one-page guide" here

More tech

At club night recently we experimented with smart phones and QR codes.North Gloucester OC report they have gone one stage further, using an app called MapRun for a night event they described as a 'huge success'.

Article on NGOC website

For SI techies

Dick Keighley of Wimborne OC has shared his experiences of using new timing software. He's transitioned from AutoDownload to SiTiming.

Dick's article from the Wimborne Waffle.