Staple Hill JOG
Rain has been falling on a Super Saturated Staplehill for about a week and as you will see from the photos the whole area was shrouded in mist BUT many JOGgers turned up to have a run, well done all of you, it made it worth-while!
This was the first event Emma and Adam Wood have planned, so it was really great that Graham Hartley, one of our experienced orienteers was the controller and was able to offer some guidance and then check controls on the day. It makes a very long day for the planners, especially if you’re putting controls out in the rain, so it always helps when folk enjoy their runs and then say so to the planners! (As happened today.)
Matty Bussell was working on registration for his D of E Award and Sarah Maynard and Evelyn came to help too. This meant that Rog and I were free organise a little coaching for the juniors and arrange for Alasdair to present some Skills Badges. In all an enjoyable and well attended JOG. Thanks to Jim and Evelyn for their very atmospheric photos
- Judy Craddock
And there's more!
Don't forget our third Forest League event of the season is this weekend too. See you at Ashclyst Forest.