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Online JOG Planners Course

Where To Put The Kite

Where To Put The Kite

Published: Thu 21 Jan 2021

If you are looking to skill up during Lockdown, why not do our JOG Planners Course? It will take you through everything needed to plan and to control a Hare, Squirrel, Badger, and Fox for one of our junior activities sessions. It is also a great introduction for those wanting to go on to plan for Category D events.

Course Content

  • Technical Difficulties
  • Control Sites and Taped Routes
  • Shape and Flow of Course
  • Marking Controls
  • Changes to the Line
  • Controlling
  • Using PurplePen
  • Fox Course Training Ideas
  • Site Visits and Siting the Kites
  • Risk Assessment
  • Virtual Events
  • The Big Picture

Course Work

There are self-marked mini-tasks dotted throughout the course.

There are also formal assessments including:

  • Writing Controller's feedback to a set of sample courses at TD1-4
  • Planning courses at TD1-3
  • Planning a course TD4 which must include a training focus
  • Writing a Risk Assessment for an activity using the four planned courses

Our JOG Courses - an explanation

QO runs weekly activities for our Junior Orienteering Group. These include the provision of four courses to run, alongside coaching and other activities.

As the courses are aimed at younger children than might normally run a colour course, we tend to shorten them. Basically, Hare is Short White, Squirrel is Short Yellow, and Badger is Short Orange. Fox is roughly Short Light Green, but it often has a training focus and involves things like map memory legs, maps without paths, missing areas on maps, etc.

Find out more about all the types of event we offer...