Crowcombe Heathfield Event - Planners Comments:

The sight of the 4x4s at the beginning of this event was a scary one. I applaud Richard and Andy for their cool heads in a difficult situation and I believe they were vindicated in their decision-making [i.e. they continued with the event but suspended the Yellow course until the motor action was finished].

The second threat to the event was a self-inflicted one! Somehow I never became aware that this was the weekend the clocks went forward. Arriving 10pm (not 9pm) to a somewhat bemused reception, a frenzy of activity was to follow as I still had a dozen or so controls to place. Thanks to the team, who waited patiently without the maps, courses or peace of mind, for not giving me a hard time about it!

Happily there were plenty of favourable comments about the courses. I think this was helped by Richard’s advice to me to restrict the lengths. Despite the area being perhaps the flattest QO area, the ‘going’ was a bit rough.

The other challenges were trying to provide route choice on Blue and Green without forcing ‘track runs’ and the lack of suitable path network for Yellow and White. The earth banks though, as one grateful participant told me, did make excellent ‘catching’ features for Orange and Light Green so I was able to get you to try shortcuts without taking too much risk.

Finally, not everyone was able to run on their desired course, Yellow for safety reasons and Orange and Light Green due to lack of maps. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Jeffrey Pakes


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