QR Code Orienteering
Hello! It looks like you scanned one of our QR codes.
These are used in some events and activities and are scanned by competitors using the MapRun6 app to prove they successfully navigated to a particular location. The organisers remove them after the event closes (unless they are part of a permanent course).
This app is a great tool for tracking your participation in orienteering courses. Check out our User Guide and download the app...
Longrun Meadow Permanent Course
If you scanned a code on a wooden post, you are probably at Longrun Meadow. That means you don't have to wait - you can try orienteering right now.
Once you have downloaded MapRun6 from your appstore, head to the COACH building noticeboard (behind The Weir cafe).
- Tap on 'Events Near Me' in the app and select one of the colour courses (Yellow easiest, then Orange, then Red, then Long Red).
- Tap 'Go to Start' and a map will load.
- Then scan the Start code on the noticeboard to start your time.
- If you get lost while out on the course, you can tap 'Show Me' to mark your current location on the map. This is only available a limited number of times (and not at all during competitions).
- Remember to scan the Finish code when you get back to the noticeboard to stop your time.
Here is our MapRun User Guide with more details.