Organiser's checklist
for QOADs/ MapRun events
An aide memoire for these event nights, which are low-key street-based races run from public or pub car parks, with the entire event run from smart phones.
Entries are open 5-7pm. Courses close at 8pm.
- Try to be at the assembly area 15 mins ahead of course opening time. Some form of illumination would be useful. Umbrella at the ready!
- Operate from car/van with registration slips, float (£40), maps, course codes, CD’s, smart phones (4 for hire), headlamps (4 for hire), and any previously supplied registration slips.
- On arrival, competitors should complete (or hand in) registration slips, unless supplied previously on-line. Ensuring they have mobile phone numbers of their smart phones and next-of-kin. Boards are useful to support form being completed.
- Collect fee. £5 per smartphone being used. Juniors must be accompanied. Hire charges £1; £40 charge for lost smartphone.
- Explain option of Long or Short course. Time allowed 50 min before penalties. Values of controls vary.
- Check smart phone variant - iOS or Android.
- Check carrier (on arm)
- Check head lamp.
- Check motor chair lamps of disabled competitors
- MapRun app loaded
- Correct course loaded (MR UK - Somerset - Future. Then choice of Long or short course)
- supply appropriate code (4 digit) for course selected (though codes are generally set to expire shortly before the event)
- GPS enabled
- GPS ‘ready to start’ on the app (note: MapRun F doesn't have a 'Start the GPS' button like the older app does)
-correct ‘timed out’ setting – preferably ‘never’
- Supply map and CDs (if required). Emergency phone number shown on map. Return by 8pm
- Check ‘Start’ registers and time counting down from 50 min.
- Useful aid: clipboard and list of entrants and start times.
- At end of run, check ‘Finish’ registers.
- Upload results and report to organiser (may be in pub!)
Roger and Judy Craddock, February 2019
Updated by Jeff Pakes, January 2020