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Marking Controls

Last edited: Sat 9 Jan 2021

Marking Control Sites on the Map

These must be placed carefully.

A few things to watch out for:

  • for point features (knolls, lone trees, path junctions, etc) the control should be marked at the centre of the feature, even if the kite will be placed to one side
  • for extended features (patches of woodland, clearings, etc) the control should be marked in the correct area where the kite will be placed
69 is placed correctly, centred on the tree stump. 70 is placed incorrectly - even if the kite will be on the east side of it, the control circle should be centred on the treestump.

69 is placed correctly, centred on the tree stump. 70 is placed incorrectly - even if the kite will be on the east side of it, the control circle should be centred on the treestump.

Control Descriptions

The purpose of CDs is to refine the location of the control within the control circle.

A few things to watch out for:

  • if the kite is placed behind something, it is important this is reflected - eg. west side of knoll
  • if there is more than one instance of the feature within the control circle, the correct one should be identified - eg. north-eastern small depression

If using a special item, it is best to rename it and include the description on the map.

You might find you need to rename standard symbols to best fit the area, for instance if there are no actual roads you may wish to rename 'road' as 'track' so you can distinguish between vehicle tracks and paths in the woods.

Type of Control Descriptions

It is JOG tradition to use the following system:

BadgerText and Symbols

This provides a clear progression.

Quick Task

Write control descriptions for each of these control sites. The crosshairs are included to help you see which feature it being marked - they would not appear to participants.

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58: re-entrant

34: crossing point (you could change the description to 'gate' to help younger participants understand)

48: northwestern distinctive tree (you could also add a side if it might not be obvious - not needed if it is on the path side and the participant will be coming along the path)

71: northeast edge of thicket

61: northern small depression

72: fence and earth wall crossing