About this website
Acknowledgement and thanks is given to all those whose material appears on this website. Wherever practicable, endeavours have been made to acknowledge the contribution at source.
Photography & graphics
Photography from club events
Our regular photographers are (or have been) Vikki Page, Jim Pearson, Roger & Judy Craddock and Sheila Braine.
Some of the banner photographs on the home page are kindly supplied with permission by Mark Lockett (Cornwall OC), Jim Nickolls (QO), Steve Winkley and Laurence Johnson.
Thank you to all other photographers and artists who have kindly allowed us to use their material, all of whom are attributed, albeit sometimes only indirectly where the originator is unknown.
Creative Commons licence
This website contains pictures particularly of landscapes, clip art and illustrative graphics. Our best endeavours have been made to check these are of the type "labelled for reuse with modification" under a Creative Commons licence. Where 'CC' appears in the attribution underneath the photo, it means the photo is used under such a licence.
The use of such photos is subject to a general 'attribution' licence granted by the photographer. The only changes to the original material has been the occasional cropping of the photos. The original photograph and terms of use can in most cases be sourced relatively easily by searching on the details provided under the photograph.
Sourced from Flikr
The attribution to some photographers is followed by a reference to Flikr. Some of these photographers supply the orienteering community with photographs for free. Further pictures particularly of landscapes have been sourced from Flikr's Creative Commons.
This website contains mapping data licenced from the Ordnance Survey with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Licence Number 100015287
Map excerpts are sometimes shown in our website articles. The vast majority of our club maps are based on out-of-copyright material.