Triscombe Stone
Sun 25 Sept
Near: Nether StoweyLevel of event: Regional
Type of event: Race
Our contribution to the South West Orienteering League and the first Forest League (QOFL) event of the year. Updated with planner comments.
Type of event: Race
Our contribution to the South West Orienteering League and the first Forest League (QOFL) event of the year. Updated with planner comments.
Open moorland and woodland on The Quantocks. It also happens to be National Get Outside Day 2022!
Planner's Comments
The Triscombe event was to be held in 2020 and was delayed due to the pandemic. Originally the event was to be a QO forest league local event. It was then to be joined with Devon, and I would need to plan a brown course. Then, to my dismay, it was decided that Triscombe would be the QO SWOL.
I voiced my unease and was persuaded that I could do it and QO would ensure that I had support and on-the-day assistance.
I can honestly say that I could not have done this event without the support of Steve Robertson - the controller for the event - who went above and beyond to assist and guide me. Also a big thank you to Mark Stodgell who helped put the controls out on the day.
The weather was superb, and the event went very well. The feedback I received was in general very positive. A couple of errors (opportunities to learn) - one example, I missed the control position (west) off on one of the controls.
The success of the event was also down to the organisation skills of Ray Toomer - nobody does it better.
It has been hard work for the past few months, and it was a very long day today. Did I enjoy it - let me sleep on that. Am I proud of what was achieved - definitely.
Every year, each of the nine clubs in the South West region host a regional league event, sometimes called 'Galoppens'. These events offer the same range of colour coded courses as our QOFL series but there is also a Brown (extra long) course. There is still a White course but it is not part of any league. The series starts in the Autumn and continues at approximately one or two events per month until the spring.
The event will be signposted from the A39.
Parking will be in the field adjoining the public car park. A parking fee of £2 per vehicle will be payable at the same time as entry.
Sportident punching will be used- SIAC contact-less mode will be enabled. All competitors must however manually punch the start and finish controls
Course | Distance | Height Gain |
White | 1.7km | 60m |
Yellow | 2.3km | 60m |
Orange | 2.7km | 80m |
Light Green | 3.2km | 140m |
Short Green | 3.4km | 130m |
Green | 4.7km | 235m |
Blue | 6.0km | 315m |
Brown | 7.6km | 325m |
(Course details updated 21/08/22)
Some of this area is exposed so bring suitable wind/waterproof clothing appropriate for the forecast weather (waterproofs may be required). Be aware that Mountain bikers use this area.
Please note that leg coverings are required and all competitors must carry a whistle.
Please ensure you clean you kit before coming to the event as a bio-security measure against the spread of diseases such as phytophthora ramorum, andnote that ticks may be present so full leg cover is recommended.
Inexperienced Juniors should be accompanied/shadowed by responsible adult.
Pre-entry closes on 23 September 2022.
Please note that if you enter on the day you run the risk that we have run out of maps for your preferred course.
Class | Fee |
Senior | £11 |
Senior Novice | £5 |
Junior | £4 |
Group | £13 |
An SI dibber can be hired for £1. Failure to return it will incur the cost of a replacement (£30). A SIAC dibber can be hired for £3. Failure to return it will incur the cost of a replacement (£65).
If you are a helper at this event, please contact the organiser for the discount code.
Please consider buying a pack of pre-entry credits in advance. This costs you the same but saves the club a lot in credit card fees.
Start opens: 1100 (early starts (from 1030) available for helpers)
Start closes: 1300
Courses close: 1500
Registration, download and toilets will be in the parking field. The Start is 500m, and the Finish is 300m, from the parking field.
Hire dibbers can be collected from registration.
The terrain is a mixture of open hills (with heather and gorse) and conifer forest.
Required? | |
leg covering | yes |
waterproofs | depends on weather |
whistle | yes |
U16 accompanied by responsible adult | no |
reflective clothing required | no |
headtorch required | no |
Planner: Karen Lewis
Controller: Steve Robertson
Organiser: Ray Toomer
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. All participants must report to download whether they finish their course or not.
Privacy: when participating in our events/activities your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.
Photography: QO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.
Safeguarding: QO is aware of it's responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection. To comply with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations 2018, we now provide an email address for individuals to report concerns to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This address is
Track off Quantock Drove Rd, E of Will's Neck nr Triscombe Stone
Richard Baker