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Taunton West


Sat 22 May - Sun 25 Jul

Near: Taunton
Level of event: Regional

Type of event: Race, Urban

The QO offering to the Southern England GPS Orienteering 2021 League was well attended. A good mixture of different types of urban areas, including residential streets, central shopping, and parkland, gave interest to the courses.

Hopefully more clubs will take up the banner and put events into the league. It looks like there'll be one in Devon at least.

If you want to get in some practice, maps from last year's event and this one can be downloaded from British Orienteering. The MapRun courses are still open, so you can compare your times to those who did it in the actual event.


League Tables

The event will be open from mid-May to Mid-July. If lockdowns or similar restrictions are put in place during the scheduled date range, we will extend the closing date to compensate.

It is a GPS punching event using MapRun (like our Street Series and COVID-era JOG activities).

Other Events

The following events will be taking place during the time the SEGOL courses are open.

26/5/21Wiveliscombe - Street Series 450min urban score
15/6/21Taunton Wilton - Street Series 550min urban score
24/7-22/8/21Quantocks Challenge 20215hr moorland and forest score

We also have lots of permanent courses.

Show Pre-Event Info

Directions / Parking

Sited on the western side of Taunton, it is easily accessible on foot from anywhere in the town. Parking is possible at the Tangiers car park and at weekends behind Somerset College.

Start and finish are near The Weir Cafe / COACH Building, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1AW

Course Information

All courses are mapped at 1:5000 to ISSprOM 2019 standard. See the image gallery at the bottom to see the blank maps.


2.1km - traffic-free urban parkland - A4 map


3.6km - residential streets and central urban - A4 map


5.6km - residential streets, central urban, and urban parkland - A3 map*


7.4km - residential streets, central urban, and urban parkland - A3 map*

Height gain on all courses is negligible.

* The Medium and Long are A3. You can just about get away with printing them at A4 (by ticking 'fit on page' in your printer settings) but remember the scale will be different!

Entry Details

£4 - self-print *

£6 - collect a ready-printed map (available at Street Series events and by contacting president@)

* For self-print, click on the appropriate button below. When payment is complete, you will be redirected to the map file. Please make sure you download a copy. Any problems, email chair@

Registration & Start Times

All competitors must register for free on the SEGOL website by the closing date of the event.

You can start any time between the starting and closing date of the event. We would recommend that you avoid busy shopping times to help with social distancing (and potentially speed your run up).

Terrain Description

Mixture of residential streets, central urban, and urban parkland - see course information for specifics on each course. Leg covering not required. We advise you wear bright colours to be more easily seen by drivers.


The courses start and finish near the wonderful The Weir Cafe. The light meals and cakes are a favourite with runners after Parkrun or urban orienteering events.

GPS Signal

All controls have been checked by at least two devices on different days. However, your device or the weather conditions or time of day might mean that a control doesn't register. If you know you're at the right place and have waited a couple of seconds for your GPS track to catch up with you, just move on. We will manually review every track and retrospectively award controls missed by the GPS.

See our guide to using MapRun.

Event Class

This event does not count for national ranking. It is only marked as Regional to indicate that it is part of a Southern England league.

Contacts / Officials

Planner: Alasdair Shaw chair@

Controller: Roger Craddock president@

Organiser: Judy Craddock membership@

Important Event Information

Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. All participants must report to download whether they finish their course or not.

Privacy: when participating in our events/activities your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.

Photography: QO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.

Safeguarding: QO is aware of it's responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection. To comply with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations 2018, we now provide an email address for individuals to report concerns to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This address is

Photo Gallery

Bridge onto Longrun

Bridge onto Longrun
Credit: Alasdair Shaw

French Weir

French Weir
Credit: Martin Southwood

Goodlands Gardens Footbridge

Goodlands Gardens Footbridge
Credit: Alasdair Shaw

The Oak Barn

The Oak Barn

East End Of Goodlands Gardens

East End Of Goodlands Gardens
Credit: Wayland Smith

Goodlands Gardens Leat

Goodlands Gardens Leat
Credit: Alasdair Shaw

Old Library

Old Library
Credit: Simon Burchell

Burma Memorial

Burma Memorial
Credit: Steve F

Goodlands Gardens Lampost

Goodlands Gardens Lampost
Credit: Alasdair Shaw

Goodlands Gardens Lawn

Goodlands Gardens Lawn
Credit: Alasdair Shaw

River Tone

River Tone
Credit: Alasdair Shaw

County Hall

County Hall
Credit: John Sutton

Water Feature County Hall

Water Feature County Hall
Credit: Derek Harper

Bridgwater & Taunton College

Bridgwater & Taunton College
Credit: Derek Harper

Long Courses Blank Map

Long Courses Blank Map