St Audries
Galoppen & YBT Heat
Sun 8 Apr
Near: WillitonLevel of event: Regional
Type of event: Race, Juniors
There were some great panoramic views from up top and some fast times recorded!
Type of event: Race, Juniors
There were some great panoramic views from up top and some fast times recorded!
This was our annual South West League fixture and regional junior team heat.
Here’s a category for Tenable (look it up): name 10 land animals with a longer gestation period than the 2018 QO Galoppen. Two clues: 1) I was first asked back in May last year; and 2) you need to count Elephants twice, once for each size of ear! This event started as a lowly QOFL, growing to also provide Compass Sport training before being battered into submission by storm Brian in October. But it came back fighting as a Galoppen, finally to be seasoned with a sprinkling of Yvette Baker. If I’d known at the outset, I could have made a ‘year in the life of’ for BBC4!
That difficult birth means I have two controllers to thank. Jeff Pakes put a lot of commitment into the original incarnation of the event, not just controlling but also in making significant map changes to bring the vegetation up to date.
Different routes on Brown: crossing the valley to Weacombe
Credit: Routegadget
Believe me, if you cursed the gorse on Sunday you should have seen it before this winter’s burning programme. Then Jim Mallinson stepped in to control for the Galoppen, insisting on the changes necessary while remaining sympathetic to the previous efforts made. Hopefully Jeff will have recognised much of his original efforts in the final result. But huge thanks go to both.
from Staple Plain, looking towards Weacombe (leg 4 on Brown)
Credit: Stephen Wilks
The issues with the
out-of-bounds areas early in the courses occurred at a very late stage and
hopefully our mitigations did not detract from your enjoyment. Thanks to the
efforts of Bob Lloyd, Roger Craddock and Jim, the Forestry Commission were
placated into allowing the necessary access through the deer park. The comments
I received suggested most people enjoyed themselves. I think the long downhill
finish helped (you have very short memories – did you not recall that horrible
climb up from the start?). Also that the early drizzle abated (Jim and I got
the worst of the days weather). And I think we just about got away with the
condition of the entry road - hopefully nobody had any really hairy moments
getting in or out.
It was good to finally see it through. And, apart from a few quick YBT runners the finish times seem about right. I would just add a final thanks to all the club helpers. The day doesn’t succeed without every one of the little jobs that need to be done, however mundane they may seem.
- Jim Nickolls
We can echo Jim Nickolls’ frustration at the postponement of the event last October, but we were pleased that it elevated yet another QO ‘rookie’ planner from JOG activities to the ranks of a regional event planner with guidance from Jeff Pakes and Jim Mallinson as controllers. The Forestry and AONB wardens were satisfied with the amendments and alterations to avoid sensitive areas.
Parking was not easy on the forest roads because of the incline and the wet conditions. Our commiserations go to Pete Akers who had to be replaced as the team leader as a results of a cycling accident just before the event. Our team leaders of Mike Andersen (Parking), Andy Rimes (SI), Graham Hartley (Starts), and Julia Robertson (Finishes) ensured the event ran smoothly and the Lewis family volunteered, planned, set up, and ran the String Course which had more customers than many of the colour- coded courses! Our volunteers were supplied by 50% of our active members.
The event was also the preliminary round of the Yvette Baker Trophy and, despite the disappointing numbers of team entries, it provided a close competition between Bristol OK, Devon OC and Quantock Orienteers. Congratulations to Bristol OK who go through to the final.
Lost property – a blue acrylic hat with November Classic 2007 on front.
- Roger and Judy Craddock
This event was originally planned as a QOFL in the Autumn, but had to be cancelled due to Storm Brian. Upgrading the event to a Galoppen meant that, taking over as controller, I felt some changes were necessary to the courses to reflect this. However, this only needed most courses to be modified slightly, which reduced the effort needed by the planner, and some courses to be shortened in the process.
An area of newly planted young trees being declared Out of Bounds late on after the courses had been planned caused a problem, but fortunately was easily overcome by the relocation of just one control.
Although, on paper, the courses were at the upper end of the recommended (height-adjusted) lengths, they were planned to avoid the worst of the gorse and heather which made for fast running.
Legs 2 & 3 on Blue - do I 'straight line' it up & down, or go around?
Credit: Routegadget
This was well received by those competitors I spoke to, who all seemed to enjoy the area and the courses.
Although the winning times were quick on some courses, especially the Green, this was due to those fast, fit youngsters running their YBT courses rather than their usual (longer) courses. Well done to all four teams who entered, and congratulation to the juniors from BOK who will now take part in the final in July.
The only negative aspect of the day was the irresponsible competitor who took their dog out on their course and did not keep it on a lead! This selfish, thoughtless behaviour could have resulted in the loss of the area to orienteering!
- Jim Mallinson, SLOW
Have a go at navigating through St Audries in the height of summer, bracken and all- as viewed through a camera lens. Steve Robertson's photo-O challenge tested a number of us at a club night earlier this season and his brilliant PowerPoint presentation afterwards unpicked the puzzle for us. If you haven't tried it yet, the link is here.
Bristol OK's Gavin Clegg recalls his first ever event, also at St Audries, nearly half a century ago.
Job | Helpers |
Organisers | Judy & Roger Craddock |
Planner | Jim Nickolls |
Controller | Jim Mallinson (of South London OC) |
Permissions | Bob Lloyd |
Parking & Information | leader: Mike Andersen John Fisher, Pete Akers, Matt Carter, Tom Hasler, Pete & Sam Shirvington, Louise McTighe , Stephen Williams, Mark Rest |
Registration | leader: Judy Craddock Jenny Wood, Ben West, Sarah & Eleanor Hasler, Sue Toomer, Heather Green |
Computers / electronic timing | leader: Andy Rimes Roger Craddock, Richard Sansbury, Jeff Pakes, Chris Philip, Steve Robertson, Robert Green |
Start | leader: Graham Hartley Janet Scott, Dawn, Chloe & Annabel Carter, Bill Vigar, Angela Modica, Tamsin & Flora Pakes |
Finish | leader: Julia Robertson Jim Pearson, Adele Appleby |
String course | leaders: the Lewis families Ryles family, Jacob Shirvington |
First aid | Brian Fletcher, David Harrison, Emma Cattell |
Safety search & control collection | leader: Jim Nickolls Brian Pearson, Chris Philip, Steve Robertson, Jim Nickolls, Graham Pearson, Angela Modica, Jim Mallinson, Brian Fletcher, Mike Crockett |
Photography | Jim Pearson (captions: Judy Craddock) |
Every year, each of the nine clubs in the South West region host a regional league event, sometimes called 'Galoppens'. These events offer the same range of colour coded courses as our QOFL series but there is also a Brown (extra long) course. There is still a White course but it is not part of any league. The series starts in the Autumn and continues at approximately one or two events per month until the spring.
Be aware the Taunton Marathon will cause road closures in Taunton from 10.30.
The turning into the Deer Park is off a fast road (A39). Please approach with care, particularly those approaching from the west. Marshalls will assist.
Parking will be alongside the forest road in the old deer park. There will be a separate area for minibuses.
Camper vans & mini buses - there should be enough room but it would be appreciated if you contacted the organiser in advance.
Car keys can be left at registration.
The entrance will also be used for the exit.
No exit before 12.30
A range of courses, suitable for all ages and abilities:
Course | Distance | Climb |
Brown | 7.3 km | 330 m |
Blue | 5.5 km | 230 m |
Green | 3.7 km | 145 m |
Short Green | 2.9 km | 95 m |
Light Green | 3.3 km | 100 m |
Orange | 3.0 km | 100 m |
Yellow | 2.4 km | 80 m |
White | 1.6 km | 65 m |
All courses apart from White count towards the SWOA Galoppen league.
A free string course will be provided by the Lewis family, starting in the middle of the parking area, with seasonal rewards for all finishers!
Only the White courses maps will be issued at registration.
Maps for the Yellow course and upwards will be available immediately after you start.
Loose control descriptions will be available at the Start, except for the White course.
A section of the open after the start will be marked OOB to protect newly planted trees.
Please respect the Forestry Commission's request to keep out of these areas.
The map was updated Autumn 2017.
It is printed on waterproof paper, A3 for Brown and Blue and all others on A4.
The map scale will be 1:10,000 for all courses except White and Yellow, which will be printed at 1:5,000. Contours intervals: 5m.
Will be printed on the front of the map. The Yellow and White courses will have written descriptions, not symbols. Loose description slips will be available for all courses at the Start.
It will be a punching start for all competitors.
YBT competitors from the same club on the same course must start at least four minutes apart.
If there is a problem with an SI box, use the pin punch attached to the flag to mark your map and report this at download
Heading North will bring you to a perimeter footpath heading West-East along this part of the Quantocks. Following this West will bring you round to the enclosed wood where assembly is. Beyond that and running roughly parallel is an 'A' road.
There is a minor road to the West too. The rest of the Quantocks extend mainly to the East (and South).
This will be available for as long as limited map stocks last.
Please use the following registration form. It must be checked to ensure it is fully completed. This is important for safety, back-up, and speed of entering details. Please complete it before going to Registration.
Registration form (v 2017.2) - pdf
Registration form (v 2017.2) - Word
This form can also be obtained on the day from parking marshalls.
BOF* members | non BOF | |
Seniors | £12 | £15 |
Junior/ student | £3 | £3 |
Family of runners | £20 | £26 |
Family group (max of 3 maps) | £15 | £15 |
* i.e. you belong to a club registered with British Orienteering
Helpers qualify for a half price run.
For those who pre-entered, your start blocks are shown on Fabian 4 as very early (ve), early (e), middle (m), late (l) or very late (vl), based on the preference you made when registering.
Clubs entering teams will already have registered their entry with the Yvette Baker Co-ordinator. They are:
Team captains should supply Registration with their final list of team members.
Start times will be allocated by the YB co-ordinator, who will notify the clubs of these.
SportsIdent (SI) being used. Standard dibbers can be hired for £1.
Lost dibbers will be charged for at the replacement cost of £40 or £60, depending on the type borrowed.
Please note: QO will make every to ensure the event goes ahead as planned. However, should the event be cancelled, the club reserves the right to retain part of the advance entry fees to meet event costs already incurred or committed.
Registration open between: 10:00 - 12:15
Start times from: 10:00 to 12:30.
NB: the above times are earlier than for our Forest League events
Courses close: 14:30. Controls will be collected progressively from 14:00.
The Start is 200m and the Finish 100m from assembly.
Open moorland with coombes, enclosures and a former deer park, all partially wooded. The longer courses will enter some steep combes and exposed heathland.
Dogs on a lead are allowed - there are sheep, most with young lambs, in most parts of the area.
All competitors must download, even if you do not complete your course. The Finish is on a track close to assembly. Please do not climb on timber stacks.
Competitors are advised to dress accordingly for the weather conditions on the day. Cagoules may be compulsory if the weather requires. Please check this web page before travelling.
It is essential that legs are fully covered.
Whistles are compulsory for all competitors.
All enquiries on the day should be directed to the registration tent located in the Assembly area.
A portaloo toilet will be provided near assembly.
First Aid cover has been arranged.
There will be a small first aid box at enquiries, but in the event of an emergency the emergency services will be called.
The nearest A&E Hospital is Taunton (grid Ref ST215243), Minehead has a Minor Injuries Unit (Grid Ref ST978455). Any competitor with a medical condition that might require assistance during the event are asked to inform the First Aid team at Registration before they start their course.
Compass Point will attend with equipment and clothing only. See news story.
There will be no catering trader.
There will not be enough room for club tents in the assembly area.
Live results will be displayed at download as they are produced.
YB Trophy scores will be available as soon as possible during the event , but team managers are responsible for checking their team scores and making any observations to the YB Co-ordinator as soon as possible. He will refer any complaints to the Controller to adjudicate.
Confirmed results will be displayed on the QO website as soon as possible.
There is widespread undergrowth offering varying degrees of runnability. Seasonal vegetation i.e. dead bracken will not be shown. Because it is such an open area, the bracken will generally be visible from some distance. There tend to be animal paths or even quad tracks through the highest remaining areas of bracken.
In some places, the gorse has been destroyed and such areas feature in the direct route choice option on a few legs. It should not impede progress much and will hence be shown as rough open. There has been some very recent burning of gorse, which will have the effect of improving running conditions in a few small area, though this improved runnability will not be reflected on the map.
Clusters of gorse 2m tall or more will be mapped as thickets.
Large blocks of gorse it would make no sense to try to cross will be given a double undergrowth screen.
Carpets of heather, sometimes with scattered gorse, will generally be shown as "slow run" where above mid shin in height. Below that height and it's shown as rough open.
There is an extensive network of shallow earthbanks. Though most of these are not substantial enough to be mapped, indistinct paths (some mapped) and animal tracks (not mapped) tend to follow these earthbanks in various places.
Courses start and end in the fenced area (formerly a deer park). All courses from White up to Short Green exit the forest through a gate. All courses re-enter the forest through another gate near the end.
Although fences are mapped as crossable, the fence is high, old and rusty and has damaged parts often with loose wire or protruding pieces of metal. It should only be crossed with caution. Courses have been planned to make climbing the fences unnecessary, other than at two optional crossing points on the Green, Blue & Brown courses. These are at those rare sections where the fence is low. They will be marked by red and white tape.
You agree that we may publish your Personal Information as part of the results of the Event and may pass such information to the governing body or any affiliated organisation for the purpose of insurance or for publishing results either for the event alone or combined with or compared to other events. Results may include (but not be limited to) name, any club affiliation, race times and age group.
Access is by kind permission of the Forestry Commission
Planner: Jim Nickolls (QO)
Controller: Jim Mallinson (SLOW)
Co-organisers: Judy & Roger Craddock (QO) 07739 629234 / 01823 323850 chair@
Yvette Baker Trophy co-ordinator: Chris Hasler (QO) 01823 338921
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. All participants must report to download whether they finish their course or not.
Privacy: when participating in our events/activities your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.
Photography: QO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.
Safeguarding: QO is aware of it's responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection. To comply with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations 2018, we now provide an email address for individuals to report concerns to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This address is
Bicknoller Post, St Audries, looking W
Sheila Russell