Comments from the planner:
I was fortunate to have an updated map completed at the same time of year as the event, live close to the competition area and have plenty of time available for planning. Unfortunately, time was plentiful with the cancellation of many of my other activities during Covid lockdowns.
I found the amount of ‘green’ on the map disappointing but hopefully I managed to arrange the courses so that you visited most of the runnable terrain.
The main issue while planning was to set a reasonable length /climb combination for each course to achieve reasonable winning times. The CompassSport course/age categories are such that experienced orienteers are often ‘running down’ compared with the course they normally run. This can result short winning times.
After extended Planner – Controller discussions and comparison with BOF guidelines plus previous CSC event winning times on the Quantocks --we focused on running time. This meant that some of the course length/combinations were higher than BOF guidelines. Despite this the winning times were as I expected with only one exception. The Short Brown (M20-, M40+) course where there were no M20’s and most competitors were M45+ -- hence a winning time longer than expected.
Despite the weather, feedback at download was that the courses were challenging but seemed to have been enjoyed by many competitors.
What more could a Planner want for the hours spend pouring over maps and plodding through the forest?
Thank you for coming and braving the elements.
Hopefully see you in a sunlight forest in the future.
Steve Robertson
Show Pre-Event Info
Directions / Parking
Ramscombe is one of the east-facing combes of the Quantock Hills.
It can be approached from the A39. Leave M5 at junction 23 (from North) or junction 24 (from South) through Bridgwater, signed from the Cottage Inn on the A39 (GR ST211392), or from Taunton via Kingston-St Mary and Aisholt from the Pines Café at the top of Buncombe Hill (GR ST207329).
The venue will be signed from Marsh Mills (GR ST191384) to the South of Nether Stowey. The OS GR of the entry to the Forest is GR ST180378 and the closest Post Code is Adscombe Farm TA5 1HN.
Assembly will be in Great Wood Camp – 400m from the entrance to Great Wood/Ramscombe.
On arrival a parking official will provide any last-minute instructions (e.g. requirement for waterproof coat to be carried). Follow the main forest access road – passing assembly on the left. On this occasion Forestry England have agreed there will be no parking fee for competitors but require competitors to park in a specific section of the one-way forest road system. Continue until reaching the one-way system. Follow the signed route clockwise around the Picnic site, passing the FE office and public toilets on your left until directed to park. It is approximately 2.5km round the one-way system after passing the assembly area to return to the start of the parking. The earliest arrivals will be closest to the assembly. Do NOT use the public car parks or Pay & Display machines. Distance to Assembly will be 500-1500m. Closer parking is available for families with young children or those with special needs if requested from the Organiser in advance.
OVERNIGHT CAMPING in the Forest is NOT permitted.
To exit cars must not turn round but follow the one-way system and out of the main forest entrance.
Course Information
After a climb to the Start the shorter courses remain in Great Wood and the longer courses cross the central valley into the Ramscombe area to a separate finish.
The course lengths and climbs may represent a physical challenge for some competitors but have been established using BOF guidelines, adjusted for climb, and the results from the last CSC held on the Quantocks to ensure reasonable winning times.
The good news is that at this time of year, before the seasonal vegetation springs up, the majority of the climb is possible on run/slow run route choices.
Final details can be downloaded if you prefer to print a hard copy.
The map, updated by Peel Mapping Services in 2021 is printed at 1:10000 on A3 or A4 waterproof paper by BML.
There is no legend on the map with the exception of one non-standard symbol – ‘woodland scattered bushes’. In addition, the rough open yellow colour is darker than standard to enhance legibility.
Control descriptions shown on the map are Pictorial except 9A/B Orange which are Pictorial and Text, and Yellow and White that are Text only.
Loose sheets of descriptions will be at the Start. Maps for Yellow and White competitors will be available at the pre-start at the entry to the start lanes.
Note that the details below are a final draft, and thus still have the potential to change subject to the Controller's inspection.
| Class | Controls
| Length
| Climb
1 - Brown
| MO | 19
| 7.5 km
| 370 m
2 - Short Brown
| M20- M40+ | 17
| 6.4 km
| 285 m
3 - Blue Women
| WO | 12
| 5.6 km
| 280 m
4 - Blue Men
| M50+ | 14
| 6.2 km
| 275 m
5 - Green Women
| W20- W45+ | 12
| 4.1 km
| 170 m
6 - Green Men
| M60+ | 13
| 4.0 km
| 190 m
7 - Veterans Short Green
| M70+ W60+ | 12
| 3.5 km
| 150 m
8A - Junior Men (Green)
| M18- | 13
| 4.1 km
| 205 m
8B - Junior Women (Short Green)
| W18- | 12
| 3.1 km
| 150 m
9A/9B - Orange Men / Orange Women
| M14- W14- | 11
| 3.7 km
| 125 m
10 - Super Veterans Short Green
| M80+ W70+ | 11
| 2.9 km
| 100 m
Light Green
| non-competitive | 11
| 2.9 km
| 130 m
| non-competitive | 10
| 2.6 km
| 90 m
| non-competitive | 10
| 1.8 km
| 35 m
To count for your club in the Compass Sport Cup, you must enter a course which you are entitled to according to the age classes above.
Entry Details
£13 senior
£5 junior
If you are entering lots of people or will be attending several of our events, please consider buying credits and then using them to pay. It costs you exactly the same but saves us on credit card fees.
Buy Credits
Entries closed.
There will be no entry on the day so we can ensure appropriate social distancing.
Registration & Start Times
Event | Time |
Start opens | 1030 |
Start closes | 1300 |
Courses close | tbc |
Helpers - remember to get your discount code from the organiser before entering.
Final Start List
These are now definitive start times. We have tried to keep everyone as close to their chosen start slot as possible, but some have had to move by up to 10 minutes.
SI punching with SIAC contactless enabled – all competitors must physically punch the Start and Finish controls.
Please collect hired dibbers from Enquiries.
Terrain Description
Steep sided wooded valley with cleared areas. Mixture of forest plantation and ancient woodlands with scattered point features including charcoal burning platforms.
The Forestry Commission have requested all participants should clean their kit before and after visiting the Forest as a bio-security measure.
The route to the start (600m, 60m climb, on forest roads) is through the assembly area.
Enquiries and download are in the main building, which also contains the first aid point and toilets.
For Covid reasons we have decided not to provide an indoor space for people to congregate. However, clubs may bring club tents, and there is a covered seating area which competitors are welcome to use.
Toilets with hand basins are provided in the western end of the main building. NO SPIKED SHOES in these toilets please. There is a single toilet at the eastern end of the building with a tiled floor.
Catering and traders
There will be no traders on site, but the Foxy Bean café at the entrance to Ramscombe will be open (500m from assembly) and has an excellent selection of food and hot drinks with outdoor and undercover seating with plenty of parking. They will be open from 1000 to 1600.
More information on
Start procedure
Follow directions at the southern side of the assembly area (opposite the enquiries/toilet building) to the start. Clear and check will be at the start. Whistles are required.
Please allow 15 minutes to walk from assembly to the start. Call-up will be 4 minutes before start time.
Start lists with times will be published in advance and will also be available at the Assembly Area and Start.
There are two finishes, up to 10 minutes walk from assembly. Please download as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary concern for the Organising team.
Maps will NOT be collected. Please keep to the spirit of the event by not showing your map to those competitors who have yet to start!
There will be a live display of results visible to a covered, outside area
Complaints and Protests
A panel will be selected and invited when entries have closed. Please take your complaint, after reflection, to the Organiser in the first instance. Should the complaint not be resolved and a Protest is received the Organiser will refer the matter to the Jury.
To James Latus and Owen Jones (Forestry Commission and Quantock ANOB) for the use of the areas and facilities.
To Andy Bennett and Great Woods Campsite Trustees for the hire of their Campsite.
In the event of extreme weather conditions – the Forestry Commission has strict guidelines about wind speeds - a decision will be made by the Controller and Co-ordinator and will be displayed on the BOF and QO websites. If cancellation is necessary, QO reserve the right to retain some of the entry fees to cover administration costs.
Safety Rules
| Required? |
leg covering
| yes
| depends on weather
| yes
U16 accompanied by responsible adult
| no
reflective clothing required
| no
headtorch required
| no
Car keys can be left at registration.
Maze course open 11.00-14.00 unless the weather is bad and too much damage will be done to the grass.
An information area will be provided where enquiries will be dealt with outside.
There will be a clothing tent adjacent to the download area.
Contacts / Officials
Planner: Steve Robertson 01823 430071 treasurer@
Organiser: Richard Sansbury 07790 511732
Controller: Charles Daniel BOK
Weekend Organiser: Roger Craddock
Important Event Information
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. All participants must report to download whether they finish their course or not.
Privacy: when participating in our events/activities your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.
Photography: QO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.
Safeguarding: QO is aware of it's responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection. To comply with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations 2018, we now provide an email address for individuals to report concerns to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This address is