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Thu 15 Aug

Near: Taunton
Level of event: Local

Type of event: Race, Score, Social

Thanks to all for coming to the final of this season' SPUNCH events - event page has been updated for photos and a write up from planner Andy.


60 minute course
90 minute course

Well that’s it folks for this season’s Spunch league. I hope you enjoyed your forays into the tranquil Tarr Valley. The valley provided two basic options, north of the stream on the hilly side with a lot of interesting tracks and great views on top, or, for an easier life, the fields and quieter lanes between Ash and Fitzhead village on the plateau to the south of the stream- most on the one hour event opted for this southern side sensibly.

For the 90mins event I hope I provided some different route choices and options- most seemed to do a mix of both sides in an anti-clockwise fashion having quickly seen the three easy first controls up the hill north from the start ( my apologies if the route to 124 via 101 seemed a little confusing- it seems the path as shown is somewhat erroneous to what it is actually on the ground!)

We had a few controls that did not ping for all users which may have been weather related or just the users being slightly off- as usual if this affected you then send a message to the Spunch email address with your claimed anomaly and it will be manually credited ( after a check on your track file)

Apart from a short shower just after the start the weather was perfect for the run and a nice social drink and debrief in the Quantock Brewery Taproom outdoor seating afterwards

Special mention to Adam who did his utmost to disprove my confident claim that nobody would get even close to getting all the controls- he managed 41 of the 45 total- a mammoth achievement.

Thanks to all for coming tonight and during the rest of the season’s events- I hope we can repeat the league with some new areas next Summer.

Until then, here’s to hopefully some torchlit urban Mapruns during the coming winter season

Show Pre-Event Info

Spunch Summer Series 2024 Series Info

Series Contacts

Oli Rant: Organiser spunch@

What's SPUNCH?

Spunch is a concept devised by Andy Thornton of MDOC, designed to bridge the gap between runners and orienteers. Studies have shown that one of the biggest blockers to runners participating in an orienteering event is the unfamiliarity with the map, and SPUNCH deals with this by using an Ordnance Survey basemap.

SPUNCH uses the app 'MapRun', which is essentially a GPS treasure hunt app. Turn up your volume and when you run through a checkpoint, you get a satisfying 'ping'. You have 30+ checkpoints to choose from and your goal is to visit as many as possible in your allotted time. The events are based around rural villages with high footpath density and the courses are set over a variety of lanes and public rights of way. SPUNCH allows you to discover lovely paths and tracks with great views. It can be done solo, in a pair or as a group. Walk or run, the choice is yours! Newcomers are welcome and there will be help to hand on the day to get you started. Suitable for all ages and abilities and great for family and friends too.

How it Will Work

  • Just before you leave to come to the event, load the event onto your device. You can use one of these direct links on your device (90 mins / 60 mins). You must be using MapRun6 or 7.
  • When you tap Go to Start, you will be presented with a countdown to the start.
  • At 1745, ie 15 minutes before the start, the map and controls will appear on your screen.
  • At 1800 the start will automatically punch and your time begins. Unless you are still driving in and are over 1km away, so lets hope that doesn't apply to anyone.
  • Do a quick check that the start has punched (turned green) on your screen and off you go. You have 60 or 90 minutes depending on which course you have chosen.
  • At the end of your run, whether it is before or after the time limit, you must punch the finish.
  • It will then attempt to upload your results automatically. If you don't have a good data signal, eg. you have data turned off, this will fail. When you get to a good signal or wifi, manually upload.

Directions / Parking

Several small car parks around Ash Priors Common. Please do not park directly on the minor roads which may block access for locals. Only park on the common itself if the parking bays are full (highly unlikely)

Start and finish are at the North-Western end of the common (look out for Andy and Rosie's white VW T5 van)

Course Information

Both courses use the same map, with the same number of available (checkpoints). The route you take between them is completely up to you!

All checkpoints visited are worth 20 points.

The aim is to get the highest score in your alloted time.

You will lose 10 points for every 1 minute (or part of) you go over the time limit!

Please download the app 'Maprun 6' prior to arriving and download your respective course. Pin numbers will be provided on arrival to the course area.

Entry Details

Costs: £5 per adult.

£3 for students / 16-20yr olds

Under 16s go free when running with an adult. Under 16s cannot run unaccompanied due to the occasional presence of cars in the course area.


Entries close the Sunday before the event.

Please consider buying a pack of pre-entry credits in advance. This costs you the same but saves the club a lot in credit card fees.

Buy Credits

Registration & Start Times

Mass start at 6pm.

Registration from 5:30pm to 5:50pm for entry on the day (first come first serve on map availability)

Please arrive with plenty of time to spare if you are new to orienteering. At registration you will need to pick up your map which has the access code for MapRun (see more on this later).

    Dog restrictions

    Dogs allowed, but they must be on a lead.


    There are no toilets - the nearest toilets are at Bishops Lydeard

    Contacts / Officials

    Planner: Andy Rimes results@

    Important Event Information

    Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. All participants must report to download whether they finish their course or not.

    Privacy: when participating in our events/activities your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.

    Photography: QO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.

    Safeguarding: QO is aware of it's responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection. To comply with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations 2018, we now provide an email address for individuals to report concerns to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This address is

    Photo Gallery

    Finish banner with rainbow behind

    Finish banner with rainbow behind

    Robert Fieldhouse on the run in

    Robert Fieldhouse on the run in

    Adam Fieldhouse on the run in

    Adam Fieldhouse on the run in

    Discussing routes

    Discussing routes