Culm Davy
Sun 20 Oct
Near: WellingtonLevel of event: Local
Type of event: Race
Photos (via Dropbox)- by Jim Pearson
Featuring: reports from organiser, planner and competitors
Type of event: Race
Photos (via Dropbox)- by Jim Pearson
Featuring: reports from organiser, planner and competitors
Just like buses- you've waited years for another chance to run on that terrain again and then two events there come along at once. Well almost...
It's not often we have QOFLs just nine months apart at the same venue, but that's what's happened this year with Culm Davy & Culmstock Beacon. Permissions finally were gained to run on the slopes of Blackdown Common, an area not used for years, and it was given a fresh airing in January.
Plus, this time, we were able to secure very practical car parking adjacent to the area.
Culm Davy was a replacement for the original area, Cothelstone. It was actually down to be a JOG, also to be planned by Martin Lewis, but we swapped it to Sunday for a QOFL. Assisted by Bill Vigar, Martin took on the challenge and the many positive comments received on Sunday suggest that the Lewis-Vigar team did a very good job.
- Jeff Pakes
Everyone seemed happy with their courses and for my first event of this kind, I feel I couldn’t have done much better.
Bill [Vigar] tells me the winning times are about right. Which is a bonus.
As the two biggest clubs in the area were somewhere else, it was a reasonable turnout.
- Martin Lewis
Really enjoyed Sunday's course, albeit having to visit a control twice (unsurprisingly I was the fastest to it second time around!)
- Phil Sorrell
Well I have cut my teeth as an organiser. Firstly, I would like to thank all the helpers, they did an amazing job and made it the success that it was. Thank you very much to Andrew (permissions) who managed to cope with the last minute demands and got the permissions through. Thanks very much to Roger and Judy for chasing down the owners and getting their signatures on the last minute required documents and for getting the parking field.
I thoroughly enjoyed the organising of the Culm Davy event. I might be a natural at bossing people about!! The most difficult bit was getting the gear and the kids in my car. There is a lot of stuff required. On saying that, I was supported by Roger and Judy and they gave me prompts and pointers where necessary.
I met and had a chat with the owners of Keepers Cottage. They were not disturbed by the event, they were quite happy for us to be there and appreciated the letter forewarning them.
I was very worried about the bull issue and had taken steps to arrange people to ensure the safety of the kids. The bull and I had a reasonable relationship and he did seem relatively harmless. However, this problem was removed the week before and I can quite honestly say that was a great relief.
I don’t think I could have done a better job – but I am open to suggestions.
- Karen Lewis
It seems fair to say, Karen organised well - and no bull.
Three autumns ago QO member Jim Nickolls lugged his tripod and special prop (a control flag!) around last Sunday's venue. This was in a kind response to a plea from myself to illustrate some of the best QO terrain prominently, on what was then our new website. A few of these images are still in our home page "slideshow", a marker of how well they capture the forested area's nicely spaced trees and long earth banks.
Link here to Jim's shots plus some more great pictures of the area
My thanks again to Jim for his work...and of course to the other Jim (Pearson) for his brilliantly framed action pictures today!
- Jeff Pakes
A local event open to all, beginner or experienced orienteer, young or old and there are colour-coded courses suitable for all.
We have six of these events a year and together they form the Forest League (QOFL). The series starts in the Autumn and continues at approximately one event per month until the spring.
Link to QOFL team lists - members, please check which events you are down to help at
Event signed at A38 near Sampford Arundel and for the next two junctions.
Parking will be in the car park opposite Keeper's Cottage with an overflow car park field opposite. Registration will be close to the parking.
Suitable for all ages and abilities.
Course lengths and climbs:
Course | Length | Climb |
Blue | 6.4 km | 130 m |
Green | 5.2 km | 90 m |
Short Green | 3.8 km | 75 m |
Light Green | 3.1 km | 120 m |
Orange | 2.6 km | 90 m |
Yellow | 1.9 km | 40 m |
White | 1.6 km | 30 m |
Colour coded courses explained (with thanks to Berkshire OC)
Category of entry | £ |
Adult | 8 |
Junior | 3 |
Family*- separate runs | 16 |
Group (1 dibber and up to 2 maps) | 8 |
*The family rate is a concessionary rates. Maximum two adults per family.
SIcard (dibber) Hire - standard dibber at £1
Additional runs (for all)- £1 each
Charge for lost dibber - £40 (SI)
Filling out a Registration form (link) in advance will quicken up the entry process on the day.
The non-member premium has been dropped for 2019/20.
Please see the note further below about Insurance. Although we urge you to join after taking part in three events, it is recommended you wait till 1 November before joining, as if you joined before then, you would still have to renew for 2020.
Registration from: 10:30 (helpers from 10.00)
Start times from: 11.00 to 13.00 (helpers can start from 10.30)
Courses close: 14:30
Pleasant wooded hill with runnable terrain and lots of earth banks, cleared areas...and fences!
Competitors are advised to dress accordingly for the weather conditions on the day. Cagoules may be compulsory if the weather requires.
It is essential that legs are fully covered.
First Aid will be available at assembly.
Thank you to David Bartlett, Bartlett Brothers and Culmstock Parish Council for letting us have access to their land.
Organiser: Karen Lewis 01823 673166 / 07709 515792 secretary@ /
Planner: Martin Lewis 01823 667053 / 07594 326635
Planner's assistant: Bill Vigar 01823 680679
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. All participants must report to download whether they finish their course or not.
Privacy: when participating in our events/activities your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.
Photography: QO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.
Safeguarding: QO is aware of it's responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection. To comply with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations 2018, we now provide an email address for individuals to report concerns to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This address is