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Croydon Hill

Compass Sport Qualifier

Sun 23 Feb

Near: Minehead
Level of event: National

Type of event: Race

The regional qualifier for Compass Sport trophy and cup in the extensive forests on a hill top near Dunster.

Croydon Hill is primarily a managed Forestry England woodland – the area is covered in a multitude of forest roads and tracks and includes terrain including mature runnable forest, impenetrable juvenile trees and open areas – some fast and runnable but many bracken, mixed with bramble, and only walkable at best.

Pre Event Info

Directions / Parking

Post Code : TA24 7UN OS : SS968408 W3W : mailing.freshest.stirs

Please note that due to the narrow roads and tracks strictly no buses, coaches or large mini buses.

Due to a road closure the directions to the event are being tweaked!

Please note that there can be no arrivals after 12 noon and competitors are not able to leave before 12.30 to ensure a sensible flow of traffic on the parking tracks.

Course Information





Course 1


9.3 km

530 m

Course 2


8.2 km

460 m

Course 3


6.2 km

310 m

Course 4


5.8 km

320 m

Course 5


4.2 km

235 m

Course 6


4.3 km

230 m

Course 7


3.1 km

125 m

Course 8A


4.2 km

250 m

Course 8B


2.9 km

140 m

Course 9A / 9B


3.0 km

130 m

Course 10


2.9 km

125 m

Light Green


2.9 km

120 m



2.2 km

60 m



1.9 km

70 m

Current map of the area - please note that map updates are still underway.

The northern part of the map has been used for orienteering but the southern half has only recently been mapped.

Like the neighbouring Quantocks there are a number of steep sided combes and where possible the courses avoid these. Nevertheless, this has not always been possible and as a result the courses are shorter, with more climb, than you would normally expect.

When deciding on route choice all competitors are advised to avoid any open area that is shown as walk – these areas may be walk in parts but attempting to cross them would be a bad decision.

The following special symbols apply:

X (Green) – Rootstock, only rootstocks greater than 2 meters in height have been mapped

X (Black) – Hide, these appear and disappear, only the more substantial versions have been mapped

O (Black) – Cairn, these are less than 1 meter but are clearly visible.

Storm Darragh introduced windblown trees in some areas and across rides and forest roads. In most cases an easy detour round the fallen tree(s) is possible. In one case a forest road that offers an alternative route choice on Courses 1 and 2 is blocked – we hope the tree will have been cleared by the event, if not a potential diversion route will be shown in the start lanes.

Entry Details

All competitive entries must come via club captains of competing clubs - please contact your club to arrange your entry.

There will be non-competitive coloured coded courses for White, Yellow and Light Green - pre-enter on RaceSignup

There will be no entries on the day.

Seniors £14.00 and Juniors £5.00 for CSC event only.

Normal si-cards free, siacs £2.00 to hire (limited availability) (£80 replacement cost for non returned units)

In the event of bad weather, the organisers will communicate a clear schedule of when key decisions will be made and published on the website as to whether the event will go ahead as we appreciate some competitors will be leaving early in the morning of the event.

Registration & Start Times

Start times: 10:30 to 12:30

(helpers may be able to start early)

Course close at 15:00

Dog restrictions

Dogs are only allowed at assembly


There will several portaloo toilets but no catering available.

There is a toilet in Dunster village.

Contacts / Officials

Planner: Steve Robertson treasurer@

Organiser: Karen Lewis secretary@

Controller: Charles Daniel (BOK)

Important Event Information

Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. All participants must report to download whether they finish their course or not.

Privacy: when participating in our events/activities your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.

Photography: QO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.

Safeguarding: QO is aware of it's responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection. To comply with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations 2018, we now provide an email address for individuals to report concerns to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This address is

Photo Gallery

Croydon Hill

Croydon Hill
Credit: Steve Winkley

Bats Castle

Bats Castle
Credit: Roger Cornfoot

Map boxes at the start on Croydon Hill

Map boxes at the start on Croydon Hill

On Bats Castle

On Bats Castle
Credit: Lewis Clarke

Dunster Forest

Dunster Forest
Credit: Steve Winkley

Jan 4th Croydon Hill Map

Jan 4th Croydon Hill Map