Yvette Baker Trophy 2022 Heat
We would like to invite all club juniors to join the Quantock Orienteers Junior Squad at the Yvette Baker Trophy Heat on Sunday 8th May
The Yvette Baker Trophy is an annual inter-club competition for juniors named after one of the most successful British orienteers.
This year the heat is at Wavering Down in the Mendips, just over half an hour north from Taunton on the A38 to Bristol on Sunday 8th May 2022 from 11am.
All juniors taking part for the club will have their entry fee and dibber hire (contact-less of course!) paid for by the club. The courses available are Yellow (equivalent to Squirrel), Orange (Badger), Light Green (Fox) and Green, and you can run the course you are most comfortable with (and having fun is far more important than the result).
If this is your first bigger event, club members will be on hand to help if you have any queries, and we will be at the finish to cheer everyone over the line. There are also courses suitable for parents (up to Brown) if you want to have a run and, if the weather is good, we can have a picnic all together after the event before heading home.
We are also planning to arrange an hour-long fun session one evening at Long Run Meadow to give everyone, especially the juniors, the chance to meet each other beforehand. If you are interested in coming along (irrespective of whether you can make the main event), then please also let us know so we can arrange the time that best suits everyone.
For more details or to take part, please email Phil Sorrell who is coordinating with Pete, the Club Captain.