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Wind Down JOG

Mud was no obstacle for some

Mud was no obstacle for some

Published: Sat 8 Feb 2020

We managed to squeeze Wind Down JOG in before the arrival of storm Ciara which, at the time of writing, is threatening to cause chaos throughout the UK.

Photos (Dropbox)

JOG Spring programme

Steve Robertson had set up SI throughout the courses, a rare treat for JOGgers and we had a good turnout of our regulars together with five new families. Wind Down is steep and physical in parts and very wet, so many came back feeling that they had had a good work out and splattered with a healthy covering of mud.

Mark and Sarah Maynard were the controllers this week and did an excellent job checking control positions, helping during the event and then helping collect controls. Thank you also to everyone who helped make this a great JOG.

- Judy Craddock