Welcome to Vanessa Warren
Hello to another new member, Vanessa Warren, who comes to Foot O from Horse O. As our sport traces its origins to competitions between Swedish mounted officers, this seems rather apt.
Vanessa says:
"I am a bit unusual in that I usually orienteer on horseback, reins in one hand, map in the other but of course I am used to OS 1:25000 so I need to get used to your maps. This all forms part of a competitive equestrian discipline called British Trec. I can go quite fast on the horse but on my feet I cant really 'run', knees too suspect! So a fast walk is the best I can do. "A trec friend of mine who lives in Devon is a lifelong foot orienteerer so she encouraged me to have a go before Covid. Its very good practice for doing it on the horse and I might even lose a bit of weight. So I will try and keep going with it now."