Training at Quants
Buckland Wood's hidden wonders
We were lucky enough to have training three weeks' running at Quants, the delightful eastern part of Buckland Wood. The woods there conceal a variety of bizarre, almost randomly placed structures. Never have our "map walks" and bearings exercises been so interesting, wondering what we'll encounter next
If you go down to the woods today, you'll be in for a great surprise... Well, it's not such a cliche in this instance. Buried within the woods we are currently using are a series of concrete wonders: a tower, hidden steps, zig zagging walls, cabins, platforms, troughs, tunnel entrances and embankment walls. There's also some notable earthworks, from small ditches to huge gullies, some overgrown. Weaving in and around this bizarre landscape are even older remains. But with twisted old trees surrounding them, how did the concrete features get there? If you came along to training and you might have found out!
- Jeff Pakes
- Photographs credit: cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Nick Chipchase - /p/1290012
- History behind some of our other areas in the Blackdowns