In Memory of Jenny Tennant
Jenny Tennant, a beloved and longtime member of the Quantock Orienteers, passed away last week at the age of 92.
The club was notified of her passing by her sister-in-law, Corisande Tennant from Holford on Thursday, March 30th.
Jenny was a highly accomplished individual, having been a trained physical education teacher who was involved in the running of the Central Council for Physical Recreation. She was also a keen orienteer and made history by becoming the first female winner of the JK in 1967. The male winner that year was Gordon Pirie. Jenny was a member of DVO until she controlled an event for QO and was so impressed with the club that she joined when she moved to live at Dowlish Wake, near Ilminster.
Despite being in an older age group, Jenny was part of the winning team at several JK and British Relays with Bill Vigar (1 Leg), and Mike Crockett (3 Leg). She was also a very efficient Secretary and Membership Secretary of the club.
Adrian Edwards wrote a profile of her on the QO website in 2012.
My personal memories of Jenny were of an ever-smiling, always volunteering, and skilful orienteer. Her major contributions to sport in Education, National promotion, and Orienteering were evident, but her kindness, despite the frustrations of deafness in later years, made her respected by the Orienteering world and her local community.
Roger Craddock, Club President
Jenny Tennant's funeral will take place at 2pm on Tuesday, April 25th at Dowlish Wake Church, near Ilminster.