Latest Club Night
3 presentations and Q&A's
We had an excellent selection of orienteering expertise to chat about various aspects of "Preparing For an Event" and answer your questions
Our chair Roger Craddock reports...
An excellent, informative evening! Three of QOs experienced orienteers were asked to talk for 15 minutes on a selected topic and then answer questions from the audience.
Rosie Wych started with the organisation of an event. She drew our attention to our own and various websites that offer comprehensive guidance but then branched out into the more subtle aspects of the art!!
Andy Rimes followed with an excellent synopsis of the SportIdent electronic timing system, what it offers, what QO choose to use and how SI can be used in a variety of ways to assist in more than just the production of accurate and detailed results.
Our last speaker was Steve Robertson discussing the role of the controller. He gave a very comprehensive account of the many and various responsibilities of the controller and the overall importance made by the quality of their engagement with, not only the area and courses, but with the overall personel and organisation.
We ended with lively discussion over refreshments provided by Vikki Page. Thank you Rosie, Andy and Steve for a thought provoking and enjoyable evening.
- Roger Craddock
More information
Club Night programme, Spring 2018