Chairman's chat
Sport England award
On behalf of the club, our chairman Roger Craddock is inviting everyone to a series of themed evenings throughout the season. Starting with a welcome evening on Thursday 14 September, the weekly sessions will enable you to discuss courses, improve skills, and become fitter. Programme
Over to Roger...
Are you available to help spend £6,294 of National Lottery funding?
How? Thursdays 6.30 – 8.00pm from September to April at the new COACH Centre in French Weir Park, Taunton. You have a chance to meet other Orienteers and discuss courses, improve skills, and become fitter.
In February this year QO members were invited to comment on the idea of and after a trial month of coaching and courses in the new facility on the edge of Longrun Meadow an application was made for a grant to finance a weekly gathering for the year from September 2017. We were successful in securing money for the weekly hire of rooms, some equipment including a set of new SIAC dibbers, and the latest version of OCAD mapping software.
A full programme has been devised for the coming term to complement our Fixtures and Activities. All we need is you!
Some of the ideas suggested by your Committee are courses in basic ‘O’ skills, SI training, advanced course planning, use of electronic devices for plotting and analysing courses, Purple Pen and OCAD software, First Aid, and Controlling events. These will usually take place in the Parkroom at COACH – a comfortable and well-resourced space.
Tess Stone (our lead Coach) and Vikki Page will lead the weekly training/coaching sessions for Seniors and Juniors in the ‘Link’ Training Room. Changing/showering facilities are available.
On the Social side we would love to see you at our welcome evening on Thursday 14 September with a ‘Maze’ provided for the children, a Photo ‘O’ challenge for the adults and an opportunity to decide and book places on courses. All our Club Nights will finish with light refreshments. A Christmas Social on the 14 December will close the term with a chance to try an after-dark event round Longrun Meadow. There will be a nominal charge of £1 pp each week to cover refreshments.
We, as Orienteers, are often accused of not knowing who our fellow members and not learning from others successes (and mistakes!), so please come and meet them at the Welcome Evening!
Roger Craddock