QO Christmas Novelty Event 27 Dec 2004

Green and Light Green Splits Text file
Green and Light Green PDF file
Harris Splits Text file
Harris Splits PDF file

The event this year clashed with the Devon event something which we try to avoid. How it happened we are not quite sure but if it was the Fixture Secretary's fault we apologise and will try to make sure it doesn't happen next year. That said we had a good turn out, a well organised event thanks mainly to Bill, Sue, Jan and Dave and lots of good healthy competition played out in the very best spirit. Afterwards there was a very good meal at the Holman Clavell Inn and a good chance to have a chat with everyone. As someone said at the event the team format is a great icebreaker and 'makes' you chat to people who may be new to you or the club; by it's very format orienteering is not the most social of sports so it does need the team element, be it in competition or organising, to bring people together. A Happy New Year to all our readers.

Pos  Time             Controls Missed (5 Min each)

1   1:15:25 Team 5    None
2   1:19:14 Team 9    449
3   1:33:59 Team 7    115
4   1:34:32 Team 4    None
5   1:35:30 Team 3    None
6   1:40:17 Team 10   449
7   1:45:44 Team 12   204 282 348 449
8   1:55:00 Team 2    226 371
9   1:55:49 Team 6    None
10  2:04:59 Team 1    348 360 416 449
11  2:06:45 Team 11   160 271 293 326 360 405 427
12  2:07:39 Team 8    115 226 304 360 371

The winning team comprised: Robin Carter, Sue Hateley & Jim Mallinson
For more details see the splits file.

Due to an error in checking the penalties we incorrectly awarded the
third prize to Team 12. Knowing how difficult it would be to recover the prizes we have sent extra prizes to the "real" winners. (Inverted commas by the webmaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)